I believe in English, the most crucial part is to recognize the parts of speech. As a user of a language, it is important for us to identify the word categories so that we are able to distinguish between one and another and to use them correctly.
Let's begin!
To start with, there are 8 parts of speech to be recognized. I assume that the same categories exist in all languages, yes?
* Taken from http://www2.uwstout.edu/content/profdev/images/inspiration08/TUrberg_speech.gif
Many charts and examples taken from the internet have interjection instead of article. This is another one with article.
* Taken from
Is the mind map clear enough? No? If no, let's look at the explanation and the examples for that..
So basically, these are very simple and easy ways to understand these parts of speech. Try to understand them and we will review more in the next lesson. You can try some exercises from the links below. Good Luck!
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